Sunday 15 September 2013

6 Days To Go...

*Dusts cobwebs*

Hello again. I know I've been neglecting this recently (ok, for the last three months), but I've been busy. Well, not really, I just couldn't be bothered to blog. But I'm back now, and that's all that matters :)

I thought I'd start blogging again because it's now officially just six days (six!) until I move to Uni. I've just come back from a pretty major shopping trip, and looking at the pile of bedding, storage boxes and student essentials in my room (and on the landing...) it's hard to say I'm not excited about it- I am, and it's something I've wanted for a long time, but nerves have started to creep in a bit now. I know full well that they're nothing to be properly worried about- making friends, not being able to live independently etc- but nonetheless I'm still pretty apprehensive about Saturday. Ah well- hopefully these are just the standard pre-freshers nerves that everyone gets, and in a few weeks I'll wonder why I was ever worried at all.

Anyway- I will try and keep this blog slightly more up-to-date than I have been, so I'll hopefully post again before I go, and I'll try and keep tabs on the whole of Fresher's week (the bits I remember, anyway :P).